Dump preprocessing and indexing

Various components need to be trained in order to obtain a functional tagger.

First, download a Wikidata JSON dump compressed in .bz2 format:

wget https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/latest-all.json.bz2

Language model

We will first use this dump to train a bag of words language model:

tapioca train-bow latest-all.json.bz2

This will create a bow.pkl file which counts the number of occurences of words in Wikidata labels.

PageRank computation

Second, we will use the dump to extract a more compact graph of entities that can be stored in memory. This will be used to compute the pagerank of items in this graph. We convert a Wikidata dump into an adjacency matrix and a pagerank vector in four steps:

  1. preprocess the dump, only extracting the information we need: this creates a TSV file containing on each line the item id (without leading Q), the list of ids this item points to, and the number of occurences of such links. There will be an output for every 10’000 items that have been processed. For a rough estimate about the total number of pages please consult the “Content pages” figure on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Statistics

    tapioca preprocess latest-all.json.bz2
  2. this dump must be externally sorted (for instance with GNU sort). Doing the sorting externally is more efficient than doing it inside Python itself.

    sort -n -k 1 latest-all.unsorted.tsv > wikidata_graph.tsv
  3. the sorted dump is converted into a Numpy sparse adjacency matrix wikidata_graph.npz

    tapioca compile wikidata_graph.tsv
  4. we can compute the pagerank from the Numpy sparse matrix and store it as a dense matrix wikidata_graph.pgrank.npy

    tapioca compute-pagerank wikidata_graph.npz

This slightly convoluted setup makes it possible to compute the adjacency matrix and pagerank from entire dumps on a machine with little memory (8GB).

Indexing for tagging

We then need to index the Wikidata dump in a Solr collection. This uses the JSON dump only. This also requires creating an indexing profile, which defines which items will be indexed and how. A sample profile is provided to index people, organizations and places at profiles/human_organization_place.json:

    "language": "en", # The preferred language
    "name": "human_organization_location", # An identifier for the profile
    "solrconfig": "tapioca", # the name of the Solr pipeline to index the dumps
    "restrict_properties": [
        "P2427", "P1566", "P496", # Include all items bearing any of these properties
    "restrict_types": [
        # Include all items with any of these types, or subclasses of them
        {"type": "Q43229", "property": "P31"},
        {"type": "Q618123", "property": "P31"},
        {"type": "Q5", "property": "P31"}
    "alias_properties": [
        # Add as alias the values of these properties
        {"property": "P496", "prefix": null},
        {"property": "P2002", "prefix": "@"},
        {"property": "P4550", "prefix": null}

Of course the comments in the sample above should not be included: the raw JSON file can be found here.

Pick a Solr collection name (without creating the collection in advance) and run:

tapioca index-dump my_collection_name latest-all.json.bz2 --profile profiles/human_organization_place.json

Tapioca will create the collection for you, using the appropriate configuration. Note that if you have multiple cores available, you might want to run decompression as a separate process, given that it is generally the bottleneck:

bunzip2 < latest-all.json.bz2 | tapioca index-dump my_collection_name - --profile profiles/human_organization_place.json

Indexing via SPARQL

If the collection of items to ingest is small enough, it can be fetched by a SPARQL query. In that case we can avoid processing an entire dump and selectively index the items which are returned by the SPARQL query. The SPARQL query is written in a file:

tapioca index-sparql my_collection_name my_sparql_query_file --profile profiles/human_organization_place.json

The SPARQL query is required to have a variable item which ranges over the items to index. It is recommended that the query returns distinct items.